Keeping in mind the goal of becoming the world’s preferred global supplier.
- To develop/innovate simpler/transparent ways of doing business with our partners
- Build enduring and mutually beneficial business liaisons.
- Build infrastructure which boost Exports.
- See to that the end customers enjoy their life at the best with quality products.
- Foster a work environment that facilitates the growth of employee strengths in tandem with that of the company.
To excel in exporting varied products in all spontaneity and zest and spread our wings world-wide, thus making it a preferred supplier in Global Market place. We want to see Q Gourmet spreading its reach around the world and growing its business year on year. We want us to be known as a preferred supplier in Global market place providing quality products and quick service.
- Loyalty.
- Honesty.
- Integrity.
- Reliability.
- Transparency.
- Mutual Respect.
Q Gourmet is the leading Distributor, Institution Sales Exporter & Importer of all kind of food products.
Our major focus is into export of quality products from Qatar to
cater to needs of customer world over.
We provide array of products from well-known Qatari as well as Multi-National
Companies at very competitive prices . Also we ensure all the accreditations are
in place in respect to goods which are been exported giving consideration to
the place where those are been exported. Due to our long standing relations/
tie- up with institutions / companies, we are able to provide great offers to our
customers. While exporting goods our main aim is not only to supply varied
products but also to give one stop services / solutions in regard to all the aspects involved in export.
Customer satisfaction, meeting commitments are of paramount
value to our organization.
we receive local & imported stocks from factories and company warehouses.
With this model in place we can provide fresh stock and thereby increase the
shelf life of products.
We can provide bulk goods locally in Qatar catering to retailers, super markets.
We give delivery of goods at the door steps with our wide spread logistics
facilities in place. We supply a big chain of wholesalers who in turn supply to
thousands of wholesalers, Retailers and Key account players. We have our own
fleet of vehicles and warehouses to carter to business needs. Our warehouses
are well maintained and protected against adverse weather conditions. We
check the product and packing quality at our warehouse before sending to our